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Gas Equipment Safety Inspections

When should you be inspecting gas cylinders?

To protect the safety of you and your staff, it is vital that inspections on your gas equipment are carried out regularly. According to the British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) Code of Practice 7 (CP7) and the Code of Practice 47 (CP47) it is recommended that gas control regulators and flashback arrestors are checked once a year, they should be replaced after five years.

Our team of qualified inspectors are on hand to help, we can check your equipment for you to ensure they and anyone using them are safe. For each inspection a certificate will be awarded for your records.

Oxy-fuel CP7 checks

  • Regulator inspections
  • Flashback arrestor inspection
  • Correct hose selection and inspection
  • Correct set-up of an oxy-fuel gas workstation
  • Reverse flow tests on flashback arrestors
  • Reverse flow tests on how check valves
  • Torch checks


Prices Per Site
Up to 2 sets €229
Each additional set €60
8 sets €550


Single Cylinder CP47 checks

  • Single and multi-stage regulator inspection
  • Correct fitting of gas regulators
  • Using hoses safely

Prices Per Site
Up to 2 sets €180
Each additional set €45
15 sets €550

CP7 & CP47 gas equipment safety inspections cover

  • Equipment inspections in line with Codes of Practice
  • The need for personal protective equipment
  • Single and multi-stage regulator inspection
  • Correct fitting of gas regulators
  • Flashback arrestor inspection
  • Correct hose selection and inspection
  • Using hoses safely
  • Correct set-up of an oxy-fuel gas workstation
  • Functional tests on regulators
  • Reverse flow tests on flashback arrestors
  • Reverse flow tests on hose check valves